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Article: God wants to anoint you!

God wants to anoint you!

God wants to anoint you!

Don't wait until tragedy strikes to act. Place God at the center of everything and everyone. As long as your eyes and heart are fixed on Him, everything else will fall into place. The steps of the righteous are ordered by the LORD (Psalm 37:23). His favor endures forever (Psalm 30:5). Are you willing to miss out on blessings that are waiting just for you because you worked extra hours at the office and ignored your family to go on one more exotic vacation? That's not in God's plan for you.

Your priorities determine what you do and don't do, where you go and where you don't go. If you want a full and abundant life, you need to set the right priorities. Matthew 6:21 says, "For where your treasure is, there will also be your heart." How do you spend your time and energy? How do you spend your money? This is where the focus of your priorities lies.

Consistent effort establishes priorities over time. It takes more than one gym visit to become physically fit. It takes more than one class to become a doctor or a lawyer. Continued, consistent effort will reveal your priorities. There are so many things to focus on in this life... but God says we should keep Him first above all else.

Are you seeking His favor? A supernatural intervention? Are you looking for an anointing that enables you to experience God on a deeper level, to move mountains that appear impossible? Then put your trust in Him! If you place God first, you are telling Him that you are ready to serve Him, that you are ready to receive His fresh anointing.

God's anointing distinguishes you, your family, your household, your finances, your physical well-being, and your emotional health from everyone else. You are a unique child of the King. Your anointing is the thing that sets you apart from the things of this world.

Remember what God's anointing did for Jesse, the father of King David. David was one of eight kids left to tend sheep out in the field. The rest of his brothers ignored him. When God saw David's heart and anointed him, he was no longer just one of eight sons. The one who would one day become King was distinguished, set apart.

It is important to be clear. David did not achieve great success in his earthly life because he was talented or charismatic. There are many charismatic individuals in the world. In the end, however, God anointed David, giving him the power to become King over all.

David's divine anointing gave him the power to say, "You come to me with spear and sword." "But I come in the name of the LORD" (I Samuel 17:45). And he watched the giant fall to the ground with a single stone.

Anointing serves as an activator. Activating what God has placed inside of you to accomplish your life's purpose. When you are anointed, God's power is activated in your life, enabling you to accomplish the seemingly impossible.

Anointing is that which gives you strength when you are weak, that which gives you joy when it is a time for sorrow. When those around you shrink in fear, it is the anointing that makes you as bold as a lion.

No weapon formed against you will prosper under the anointing. Your enemies will not prevail. No yoke will stand against you. You will be delivered from every burden. The crooked path will be straightened.

Perhaps circumstances beyond your control have made you feel like a victim today. But God's anointing can give you victory in an instant. It is He who is capable of handling any challenge. He will anoint you and make a way for you even when there seems to be none.

According to Psalm 23:5 (written by David) "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."

Isa. 10:27 states, "In that day his burden will be lifted from your shoulders, and his yoke will be removed from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing.”.

You need to know what God's anointing is NOT in order to fully comprehend it. Anointings are not one-time events. It's not something you check off on your spiritual journey.

The Christian faith is about relationships, not religion. To grow, we must continually seek to know more of Him.

Christians face problems. We face difficulties in life. Consider David. He still had to face a giant. However, God was with him. Anointings don't make you immune to trouble. They get you through it. Be careful not to become engrossed in “Why me?”. This is not punishment. Think of Jesus' trials.

It is also not optional to receive the anointing. While you may choose not to be anointed (as a freewill agent), the anointing is not optional according to God's Word. But why? Because everything that God uses, God anoints. See how tabernacles and people were anointed for their Kingdom purpose as you browse the pages of God's Word. Upon God's command, everything in the building was anointed...even the curtains.

The anointing is essential for getting close to God and building a relationship with Him. To experience God's power in your life, you must be filled with His anointing. This cannot be substituted

If you desire the power of the anointing in your life, please pray as follows: 

Heavenly Father, today I stand upon Your Word. The anointing power of the Holy Spirit is what I desire to live under. I ask that everything my enemies have used to try and entangle, ensnare, and defeat me be broken in Jesus' name. I ask you to touch my life. Give me release from the yokes of bondage in my life. Help me to keep my focus on You, my priorities where they that I may serve your Kingdom. I pray in Jesus' mighty name, Amen!

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