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Article: What is the power of anointing

What is the power of anointing

What is the power of anointing

Are you seeking His favor? Are you looking for supernatural intervention? Are you looking for an anointing that will enable you to experience God on a deeper level, to move mountains of impossibility? Put Him first! You tell God that you are ready to serve Him when you place Him first, that you are ready to take on His fresh anointing when you place Him first.

God’s anointing separates you, your family, your household, your finances, your physical well-being, your emotional health from everyone else. As a child of the King, you are set apart. The anointing sets you apart from the things of this world.

Take a look at what anointing oil did for King David's father, Jesse. Among eight children, David was left to tend sheep in the field. His brothers ignored him. When God saw David's heart and poured out His anointing...he was no longer just one of eight sons. As the one who would become King one day, he was distinguished.

Just so we're clear. David did not achieve significant success in his earthly life because he was talented or charismatic. There are many charismatic people in the world. David eventually became ruler over all because God anointed him.

With God's divine anointing, David said, "You come to me with a spear and a sword." "I come to you in the name of the LORD." (I Samuel 17:45). And the giant fell to the ground.

Anointing oil acts as an activator. By activating what God has placed inside of you, you can accomplish God's destiny for your life. Anointing activates the power of God in your life, allowing you to accomplish the seemingly impossible.

The anointing gives you strength when you are weak, joy when you should be mourning. The anointing makes you bold as a lion and gives you courage when you are surrounded by fear.

Under the anointing, no weapon formed against you will prosper. There will be no victory for the enemy. All yokes will be broken. There will be a lifting of every burden. There will be a straightening of every crooked path.

Perhaps circumstances beyond your control have made you feel like a victim today. However, God's anointing can bring you total victory in an instant. He's the God of the impossible if you're in an impossible situation. When He anoints you, He'll make a way where there seems to be none.

We're told in Psalm 23:5 (written by David) that "You prepare a table for me in front of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

Isaiah 10:27 declares, “It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing…”

In order to understand God’s anointing, you must be aware of what it is NOT. It is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. It is not a box that you can check off as you walk along your spiritual journey.

Furthermore, the anointing is not an optional process. As a freewill agent, you are free to decide whether or not to be anointed. However, according to God's Word, anointing is not an optional act. Why do you ask? God anoints everything He uses. Explore God's Word and see how people and tabernacles were anointed for their Kingdom purposes. Not even the curtains were left out of the anointing when God commanded it.

You cannot get close to God and build a relationship with Him without the anointing. To experience God's power, you must be filled with His anointing. It cannot be substituted.

You can find the power of the anointing in your life by praying the following prayer:

Heavenly Father, I stand on Your Word today. It is my desire to live under Your anointing power. May everything my enemies have used to entangle, ensnare and defeat me be broken in Jesus' name. I want you to touch my life, Lord. Set me free from the yokes that bind me in my life. Ensure that my focus remains on You, and that my priorities remain where they should that I can serve your Kingdom. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen!

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