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Article: Ask away! We've compiled a list of the top questions asked this week

Ask away!  We've compiled a list of the top questions asked this week

Ask away! We've compiled a list of the top questions asked this week

What is frankincense anointing oil used for?

It helps your body fight visible signs of aging when applied directly to the skin. From Biblical times on, Frankincense has been used as a spice and for its healing properties. Many countries and cultures used myrrh for religious and healing purposes.


Was frankincense used for anointing?

Myrrh and frankincense were used in the Bible as anointing and embalming oils, respectively. In addition to its fragrance, myrrh was used for its health benefits.


What kind of oil is used for anointing?

Olive oil of the purest quality.   In Upper Zion, the first church in which the Holy Spirit fell, the holy apostles added pure olive oil to the spices that were used to anoint Jesus Christ's body when he was buried, and prayed over them.


Why is frankincense so special?

Myrrh is piney and bitter, whereas Frankincense is sweet and citrusy. Frankincense smoke drives insects away. In addition to their antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, they were used in salves to treat wounds and sores, indigestion, chronic coughs, and embalming.


What does frankincense represent spiritually?

For thousands of years, frankincense has been used in religious and spiritual rituals. Ancient people used it as a religious offering because it is so fragrant when burned. The sacrifice of Christ can be symbolized by frankincense in Christian symbolism.


What is frankincense in the Bible?

In temples throughout the East, frankincense was burned as a perfume and spiritual incense. Anointing oils containing myrrh were sacred. As sacred articles in the early Jewish and Christian faiths, Frankincense and Myrrh are mentioned in the biblical book of Exodus.


Why did Jesus get frankincense?

As a symbol of Jesus' deity, frankincense is used. As an offering to God, frankincense was traditionally burned in the temple in the Old Testament (Leviticus 2:2). In bringing this gift, the Magi declared that Jesus was both a man and a God. 


What did Mary and Joseph do with the gold frankincense and myrrh?

A different tradition states that Mary and Joseph used the gold to pay for the stable, the frankincense to perfume it, and the myrrh to anoint the newborn.


What are the 3 holy oils?

Three holy oils are used by the Church: the oil of the sick, the oil of catechumens, and the holy chrism oil. During the annual Chrism Mass, the bishop blesses the first two and consecrates the third. There is a distinct purpose for each in the Church.


Does anointing oil expire?

From aromatherapy to illness prevention, these oils can be used for a variety of reasons. You may wonder if an oil expires if you don't use a lot of it. Yes, they do!  Potency will be lost.


What does frankincense do to the brain?

Frankincense's most important component is its resinous part, which contains incensole acetate and boswellic acid. In previous studies, frankincense has been shown to enhance brain development, including the formation of dendrites and axons.


What are the healing properties of frankincense?

Frankincense contains several substances that may be beneficial to health. Bleeding is controlled, wound healing is speeded up, oral health is improved, inflammatory conditions such as arthritis are fought, and uterine health is improved. 


What is the difference between frankincense types.

 There is some Frankincense essential oil derived from Boswellia sacra sap in Oman, and there is some Frankincense essential oil derived from Boswellia carterii sap in Somalia: both trees are spindly, ethereal, and wild. 


What religions use frankincense?

 In ancient times, frankincense was valuable as both a medicine and an incense resin, particularly in Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. In folk and eastern medicine, the resin is also used in aromatherapy and skin care products.


What herbs did Moses burn? 

As Moses is instructed to make incense in Exodus 30:34, he must take fragrant spices - gum resin, onycha, and galbanum - as well as pure frankincense.


What does frankincense smell like?

Most people describe the smell of frankincense as earthy, woody, piney, or balsamic, while also being soft, sweet, and citrusy. A complex and beautifully balanced aroma that helps calm the mind and soul. 


Can you drink frankincense oil?

Essential oils should never be ingested. We do not recommend swallowing frankincense extract. Dosage guidelines should be followed according to the manufacturer. The extract is much more likely to interact with other drugs or cause side effects when taken orally.


Who brought frankincense to Jesus?

From afar, the Magi traveled to worship the Christ Child. A gold gift, frankincense gift, and myrrh gift tell us something about Jesus' identity.


What are the 3 wise mens names?

It was ultimately Gaspar (or Caspar), Melchior, and Balthasar who eventually prevailed as names for the Magi.


How much was frankincense worth in Bible times?

The price per pound is $500. Three men carried gifts fit for a king. A pound of frankincense was worth $500, and a pound of myrrh was worth $4,000. A pound of each costs about $15 today. 


When should you anoint with oil?

In some cases, it was a sign of hospitality or routine grooming. As medicine, sick or injured people were anointed with oil or ointment. Anointing was also done for sacred reasons. The law of Moses, for example, brought about the use of holy anointing oil (see Exodus 40:15).


How do you use anointing oil for protection? 

We recommend applying Anointing Oils to your neck, heart, temples, wrists, and palms for inhalation. Each time, visualize and reaffirm your intention four to six times a day.


What is Catholic holy oil?

Myrrh, myron, holy anointing oil, and consecrated oil are all names for consecrated oil used in the administration of certain sacraments and ecclesiastical functions in Anglican, Assyrian, Catholic, Nordic Lutheran, Old Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Latter Day Saint churches.


What was the anointing oil made of in the Bible?

Ancient Israel had an abundance of olive oil, which was used to make anointing oil. 


What essential oils were used in the Bible?

Among the essential oils of the Bible are Frankincense, Myrrh, Cinnamon, Cedarwood, Spikenard, Hyssop, Cassia, Sandalwood (Aloes), Cypress, Galbanum, Rose of Sharon, Pomegranate, and Calamus.


What is the purpose of anointing?

The purpose. Three distinct purposes are served by anointing: for health and comfort, as a symbol of consecration, and as a token of honor.


How do I bless my house?

Anointing our home invokes love, harmony, peace, and prosperity from God. I pray that we are blessed with good health, happiness, success, and abundance. May this home be a sacred dwelling for us and our children.


How do you bless a house in the Bible?

“Peace be to you, and peace be to your house, and peace be to all that you have.” ...  “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. ...  “Peace be to this house.” ...  “Give us clean hands and pure hearts”. ...  “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.”


Can you drink anointing oil? 

Drinking anointing oil or using it can actually cause sickness. External use is the only recommended method of using anointing oil.


Can you put frankincense oil directly on your skin?

In aromatherapy, frankincense oil is typically inhaled (directly or via a diffuser) or applied topically (directly to the skin). Because essential oils are so powerful, it's important to dilute them properly with a carrier oil before applying them to your skin. We use olive oil with nourishing squalane derived from olives in our anointing oils.


Does frankincense help you sleep?

Frankincense promotes relaxation and relieves stress, making it a wonderful sleep aid. Before going to bed, place a few drops of oil in your hands, rub your palms together, and inhale. 


What happens when you inhale frankincense? 

Frankincense aids Lung Qi circulation and can be used to treat asthma, sinusitis, and bronchitis, as well as coughing and wheezing. Invigorates the blood, and calms the heart; anxiety, depression. Additionally, it reduces swelling and is a powerful antioxidant.


What does burning frankincense do spiritually?

Traditionally, frankincense has been used in religious and spiritual spaces to cleanse and balance the mind, body, and spirit. Frankincense resin helps to cleanse and realign, resulting in a sense of balance and ease when burned. 


Was cinnamon used in the Bible?

Moses was instructed by the LORD to take the finest spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, 500 shekels of sweet-smelling cinnamon, 250 shekels of aromatic cane, 250 shekels of cassia, and a hin of olive oil.


Do Christians burn incense? 

Since antiquity, Christians have used incense in worship, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Catholic Church, Orthodox Christian churches, Lutheran churches, Old Catholic/Liberal Catholic churches, and some Anglican churches.


Does the burning bush still exist?

According to the third chapter of the Book of Exodus, it took place on Mount Horeb. In the Biblical account, the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames.


What is frankincense oil used for?

It has been demonstrated that Frankincense essential oil reduces anxiety, stimulates the immune system, and diminishes signs of aging. It can be used cosmetically, medicinally, and to eliminate surface and airborne bacteria.


What is Indian frankincense called? 

Known as olibanum, Indian frankincense is made from the dried sap of Boswellia trees that grow in Africa, India, and the Middle East. There are several forms of it available today, such as essential oil, capsules and pills, and incense.


What is that smell in church?

The Catholic Church understands the odour of sanctity (also spelled odor) as a scent (often compared to flowers) emanating from saints' bodies, especially through their stigmata wounds.


Why is frankincense the king of oils?

In addition to its versatility, Frankincense boasts powerful anti-aging properties when applied topically. In addition to promoting cellular function, it evens out skin tone and minimizes blemishes. 


Does frankincense grow hair?

Enhances hair growth. Frankincense essential oil promotes hair growth by stimulating blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles. As a result, hair loss, split ends, thinning, and tangles are reduced.

Frankincense essential oil reduces sebum production, which leads to excess accumulation of oil on the scalp. Scaly patches and dandruff scalp infections are associated with excessive oil production.


What does frankincense represent spiritually? 

For thousands of years, frankincense has been used in religious and spiritual rituals. Ancient people used it as a religious offering because it is so fragrant when burned. The sacrifice of Christ can be symbolized by frankincense in Christian symbolism. 


What does frankincense symbolize in the Bible? 

As a symbol of Jesus' deity, frankincense is used. As an offering to God, frankincense was traditionally burned in the temple in the Old Testament (Leviticus 2:2). In bringing this gift, the Magi declared that Jesus was both a man and a God. 


What is frankincense used for in the Bible?

In temples throughout the East, frankincense was burned as a perfume and spiritual incense. A sacred anointing oil, myrrh was used for anointing. In both the Jewish and Christian faiths, frankincense and myrrh are mentioned as sacred articles in the biblical book of Exodus.


What religion were the 3 Wise Men? 

Magi were a Median Kurdish priestly caste or tribe who rose to prominence in ancient Persia (modern Iran). The Zoroastrians' religion, Zoroastri-anism, originated around the Sixth Century BC after Median Zoroaster (the name itself means "dawn star”).


What religion are Magi?

Magi (ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/; singular magus /ˈmeɪɡəs/; from Latin magus, cf. Persian: مغ pronounced [moɣ])  Priests in Zoroastrianism and the earlier religions of the western Iranians.


Why did the wise men bring gold frankincense and myrrh?

Generally, myrrh is used as an anointing oil, frankincense as a perfume, and gold as a valuable. Each of the three gifts had a spiritual significance: gold symbolizing kingship on earth, frankincense symbolizing deity, and myrrh symbolizing death.


Is frankincense more valuable than gold? 

The sap made the Arabians the richest people on earth by Jesus' time, more valuable than gold, according to a famous Roman historian. Trade routes linking southern Arabia to India, the Mediterranean, and the Silk Road in China were created by Frankincense alone.


What smells better frankincense or myrrh?

In some ways, Frankincense is similar to Myrrh. They are both gum resins made from tree sap. Myrrh is astringent, bitter, and sweet, while frankincense is astringent, sweet, and astringent.


What is myrrh called today?

Myrrh gum is typically harvested from the species Commiphora myrrha. Commiphora molmol is now considered a synonym for Commiphora myrrha. The Commiphora myrrha grows in Somalia, Oman, Yemen, Eritrea, the Somali Region of Ethiopia, and parts of Saudi Arabia.


What are the 3 holy oils?

The Church uses three holy oils: the oil of the sick, the oil of catechumens, and the holy chrism oil. The bishop blesses the first two and consecrates the third during the annual Chrism Mass. In the Church, each has a distinct purpose.


What kind of oil did Jesus use?

 Pure olive oil.  In Upper Zion, the first church where the Holy Spirit fell in the upper room, the holy apostles added pure olive oil to the spices used to anoint Christ's body when he was buried and prayed over it.


What anointing oil is good for healing?

Myrrh has been used ceremonially in Catholic, Orthodox, and Episcopal churches throughout history as a perfume, incense, and medicine. Myrrh is used extensively in Ayurvedic, Unani, and Traditional Chinese Medicine for its anti-infectious and antiviral properties, as well as to support the immune system.


What does the Bible say about praying over your home?

Welcome God into your home: 2 Chronicles 7:15-16 "Now I will be attentive to the prayers made in this place." This house will be dedicated to my name forever. Forever, my eyes and my heart will be there." 


Does anointing oil expire? 

Oils can be used for a variety of purposes, from aromatherapy to illness prevention. If you don't use a lot of an oil, you may wonder if it expires. Yes, they do! From the date of opening, typically 12 months. Any longer the potency will drastically decrease.


What are the two sacraments of healing?

Penance and anointing the sick are the two sacraments of healing. People who have distanced themselves from God through sin can seek spiritual healing and absolution through penance. and spiritual healing can be achieved by anointing the sick through God.


What oil do you use for anointing?

Pure olive oil can be used. Since olive oil is mentioned in religious texts, it should be used instead of another type of oil since it has greater traditional and biblical significance.


What oils did Esther use? 

For six months, Esther used oil of myrrh and sweet odours to prepare for seeing the King. Myrrh and Queen Esther's sweet fragrance represent our need to purify our hearts in order to be the Bride the Lord finds favor with.


Who gets anointed?

 A Christian with a pure heart and a strong faith is anointed by God. To prove that you are not ashamed, practice your faith rigorously, and proclaim God publicly. Your anointing will come if you truly believe in the Lord.


What is a cleansing prayer?

The purpose of a cleansing prayer is to remove any evil spirits that may have attached themselves to a prayer minister during ministry. 


What prayer do you say to bless a house?

I pray for this home and everyone in it. I pray that you will protect this home both spiritually and physically. My prayers go out for the physical house against damage, as well as the members of this house against illness and injury.


How do you bless a house in the Bible?

Start at one end and work your way through each room. How does this work? Use scriptures, thank God for blessings, or pray for protection for your home and family. Inside, pray over each doorway, walk through the room saying your prayer or scriptures, and then move on to the next room.


What happens when you bless a house? 

You can welcome positive energy into your home and life by holding a house blessing. If you want to bless your home with love, harmony, health, happiness, and prosperity, your blessing doesn't need to be denominational.


How do Christians use anointing oil?

Anointing Oils should be applied to soft parts of your body, such as your neck, heart, temples, and wrists and palms, for inhalation. 4-6 times a day or every four hours, visualize and reaffirm your intention each time.


What is the power of anointing oil?

In Scripture, anointing with oil was applied for many reasons: To proclaim God's blessing, favor, or calling on a person's life, as in the case of kings, prophets, and priests. In the tabernacle, holy implements are consecrated for worship. After bathing, to refresh the body.


What does frankincense do to the brain?

The most important component of frankincense is its resinous part and the main ingredients are incensole acetate and boswellic acid. According to previous studies, frankincense can have a positive effect on brain development, and possibly on the formation of dendrites and axons and improving their communication.


Is frankincense good for anxiety? 

It provides a calming and tranquil energy as well as spiritual grounding. Aromatherapy can relieve chronic stress issues by deepening meditation and quieting the mind.


Can I put frankincense oil directly on my face?

You can even out your skin tone and reduce the appearance of age spots by doing this.


Does frankincense make you sleepy?

Frankincense promotes relaxation and relieves stress, making it a wonderful sleep aid. Before going to bed, place a few drops of oil in your hands, rub your palms together, and inhale.


Does frankincense have healing properties?

By preventing and treating oral (mouth-related) infections, boswellic acids in frankincense provide good antibacterial properties. The most common of these are bad breath, toothaches, and cavities. However, internal use is not recommended.


What is burning frankincense good for? 

Burning frankincense (a resin from the Boswellia plant) relieves anxiety and depression by activating poorly understood ion channels in the brain. A new class of depression and anxiety drugs might be just around the corner.


Is frankincense good for arthritis? 

According to the Arthritis Foundation, frankincense's acids are anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Additionally, they may prevent cartilage damage and reduce autoimmune responses.


Does frankincense get rid of wrinkles? 

Researchers found that frankincense reduced the appearance of scarring and stretch marks on the skin. It may also reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, frankincense may help tone the skin.

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